Game of thrones season 8 episode 3

The great war is here. Hoping anyone reading has already watched the 3rd episode of eighth season of game of thrones. We finally saw our heroes take on the night king and his army in what can be described as one sided ass whopping. Lets talk in detail then.

The episode starts with a lot of tension with fear and uncertainty clearly visible on the faces of everyone about to face the dead army. People who are going to fight taking their posts and rest of them looking for places to hide which were clearly not many. And when it finally did began, without giving out too many details, with a hope, it was shattered in a matter of minutes. From there on what we witnessed was complete onslaught of the dead. I won’t go into much detail, but i didn’t quite find it right that people were so harsh on this episode. Clearly ratings suggest so. But bear with me for some time. The episode did show us exactly gow it would be if we were in that situation. Fighting in the dark without being able to see the enemy,the dead, crawling out of the walls, complete despair with nothing going our way, , after being in so many battles with so much experience and yeah, dragons. Could it be that people wanted some of the main characters to die just for the sake of it.

It was a terrific episode which showed just how a war of such a scale and against an enemy that overpowered would turn out.
What it would take to win is stroke of luck and that is what happens, which proved very satisfying. So just go give it watch if you haven’t already.

The hitman’s bodyguard

Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L Jackson bring us an action comedy full of genuine laughs and one that doesn’t take itself too seriously. It wasn’t meant to be john wick and it doesn’t try for the better of it.

Ryan Reynolds playing Michael bryce, a private bodyguard ends up getting a job to protect Darius Kincaid played by Samuel L Jackson. And honestly that’s about the only synopsis anyone about to watch this movie requires. Over the entire length of the movie the chemistry between these two stars will keep you rolling with laughter. The story in itself is pretty good for it is just meant to support the fun filled hilarious back and forth the starring characters are going to put us through. Acting as one can expect is solid from all the cast involved especially the lead cast. There comic timing however was off the charts, which as of lately fans have started to expect from Ryan Reynolds but never feels stale. For whats its worth 48% rating on by critics seems pretty harsh for a movie that’s about as much fun as it gets. For almost two hours of non stop fun this is a must watch. Let me know what you thought of it.